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Madonna on YouTube: Her 30 most popular videos - 2019 UPDATE

Welcome back on Blogger and happy 2020 to all of you!
Madonna's YouTube channel has gone through many changes in 2019, hopefully for the best.
Today we are going to discuss Madonna's 30 most popular videos on the platform, their views and how much they gained throughout 2019.
Without further ado, let's jump into this article as we welcome the new year!

Disclaimer: I am excluding the infamous double uploads, as since they've been unlisted they gain almost nothing. They count when it comes to the total number of views but they are irrelevant when it comes to daily views.


30. Nothing Really Matters:  20 million views
29. Music:  21 million views
28. Crazy For You:  22 million views
27. Into The Groove:  23 million views
26. Borderline:  23 million views 
25. Express Yourself:  24 million views
24. Sorry:  27 million views
23. Justify My Love:  28 million views
22. The Power Of Good-Bye:  29 million views
21. True Blue:  30 million views

Let's start with Nothing Really Matters which, despite having finally reached 20 million views, only gained about 2 million views in 2019 compared to the almost 4 million it gained in 2018.
Music is, on the other hand, extremely stable as it gained 4 million views throughout 2019 (pretty much the same amount it did in 2018).
The next four videos are all from the 1980's and they finally started to shine last year, all gaining more views compared to 2018 with the exception of Borderline. Crazy For You gained over 9,5 million views, Into The Groove did great as well with a gain of 7,5 million views and Express Yourself did 4 million. Borderline gained 4,8 million views, a bit less compared to the 5,5 million it did the previous year.
Next is Sorry, which did a bit less than usual as well, only gaining 4 million views compared to the 6 million it did in 2018. Justify My Love keeps on being the biggest mystery to me, as it doesn't seem to interest many people despite being one of Madonna's most controversial and iconic videos and songs. It was stable in 2019, gaining 3 million views like the previous year though.
One of the biggest exploits of 2019 was The Power of Good-Bye which gained over 9 million views and is set to reach 30 million total views this month. 
True Blue did mildly worse in 2019 with 5 million views compared to the 5,8 million it did the previous year. Luckily though, it managed to reach 30 million total views yesterday.


20. Vogue (MTV VMAs):  31 million views
19. Open Your Heart:  33 million views
18. Living for Love:  34 million views
17. Ghosttown:  37 million views
16. Material Girl:  41 million views
15. Medellin:  42 million views
14. Frozen:  47 million views
13. Celebration:  48 million views
12. Girl Gone Wild: 51 million views
11. Live to Tell:  54 million views

Let's start this section with the iconic live performance of Vogue at the MTV VMAs which, after exploding in 2018 with a gain of 12 million views, it did just half of that in 2019 (around 6 million). Still, 31 million total views for a live performance is nothing to be ashamed of. Pretty great actually.
Open Your Heart lightly came back in 2019, with a decent gain of 5 million views, compared to the 3,5 million it did in 2018. Living for Love just had its worst year ever, only gaining 1,6 million views (it did 2 million in 2018). It is unfortunate as it is a song and video I absolutely love. 
Ghosttown did a little bit better in 2019, gaining 3,1 million views compared to the 3 million it did in 2018. It is amazingly stable. 
Material Girl did great with a gain of 14,5 million views. It is a considerable drop compared to 2018 though, as it did 20 million views that year.
At position number 15 we have a new entry: Medellin. It did amazing gaining over 42 million views. Let's see how many views it does in 2020. 
In 2019 Frozen continued its rise to the top 10 with a wonderful gain of 22 million views (it did 15 million in 2018).
Celebration comes in at number 13 and it actually did a bit better in 2019 compared to 2018, gaining 3,1 million views (basically 300,000 views more).
At number 12 we have one of the most surprising winners of 2019: Girl Gone Wild. This video is having longevity and I couldn't be happier. It gained over 6 million views, better than the 4,7 million it achieved in 2018.
This section is closed by Live to Tell which did 6,6 million views, pretty much the same amount it did in 2018. This video is sadly facing competition from a fan-made upload that is stealing its views. I hope Madonna's team wakes up and deletes it. 


10. Like a Virgin: 69 million views
9. Give It 2 Me:  73 million views
8. Give Me All Your Luvin':  74 million views
7. Papa Don't Preach:  91 million views
6. 4 Minutes:  92 million views
5. Like a Prayer:  93 million views
4. Vogue:  107 million views
3. Hung Up: 214 million views
2. La Isla Bonita:  237 million views
1. Bitch I'm Madonna:  310 million views

Like a Virgin has finally entered the top 10 this year with a gain of 13,6 million views (a bit less compared to the 14,9 million it did in 2018 though). It is set to reach 70 million total views this month. 
Give It 2 Me came back decently in 2019 with a gain of 5,2 million views (it did 4 million the previous year). 
Give Me All Your Luvin' did 3 million views once again. It may not be her most popular video but at least it pretty much gains the same amount of views every year.
Here comes the "hot trio": Papa Don't Preach, 4 Minutes and Like a Prayer. They exploded in 2019 and they are all set to reach 100 million views this spring. They have gained 23, 27 and 25 million views respectively. 
At number 4 we have Vogue, which finally reached 100 million views in 2019 (currently 107 million). It had its biggest year ever, gaining almost 18 million views compared to the 13,8 million it did in 2018.
Hung Up was truly one of the stars of Madonna's channel in 2019. It reached 200 million views (currently almost 215 million) and gained an impressive 37 million views, an improvement over the 33 million it did in 2018.
La Isla Bonita is an absolute monster and it's no surprise. It reached 200 million views (currently 237 million) and gained an outstanding 124 million, even better than the 108 million it achieved in 2018. In a few years it will become Madonna's first video to reach 1 billion views, mark my words.
Finally, at number one we have the original queen of streaming: Bitch I'm Madonna. 2019 was another great year for it, as it gained over 24 million views and finally reached 300 million total views (currently 310). This will probably be its last year on top, as La Isla Bonita is rising and rising, but it still had an impressive 4-year run. 

  • Madonna became the first artist ever to achieve four videos with over 100 million views from four different decades (La Isla Bonita, Vogue, Hung Up and Bitch I'm Madonna). 
  • Madonna's YouTube channel counts over 3,5 million subscribers and 2,6 BILLION cumulative views.
  • Currently, Madonna has a daily average of 1,9 million views. 
  • Madonna's YouTube channel gained around 400 million views in 2019. 
  • Bitch I'm Madonna is her most liked video with over 2,1 million likes. 

Let your body move to the music


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